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Time: 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Monday 10.10.2022

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NGƯỚCUpward: Path to YSEALI

On October 10, 2022, NGUOC successfully organized the NGUOCUpward: Path to YSEALI event with the participation of a large number of young people across the country. With important information as well as experiences shared from reputable speakers, NGUOC hopes that the program will not only help candidates of this year’s YSEALI Fellowship Program but also young people with the desire to apply for the international universities in Vietnam and leading universities in the world, also have more orientation in the process of preparing for the application program later.

In order to successfully organize the event, NGUOC could not have reached the fullest outcome without the help and support from the speakers. First, NGUOC would like to express our sincerest thanks to Mr. Henry, Mr. Cao Minh Chau and Ms. Khanh Trang took the time to support the event and were willing to share their valuable experiences to support and answer the questions of many young people who are struggling with the application process, as well as applying for scholarships or wanting to develop themselves. NGUOC believes that the sharing from the speakers has been and will be a valuable source of motivation and resources to help young people become more confident and clear in the way ahead.

Next, NGUOC would like to express our sincere thanks to Ms. Zoe - Nguyen Phan Thuy Linh acted as the host of the event. Without her professional and gracious guidance, NGUOC believes that the program will not be able to run smoothly. Her ingenuity and ingenious improvisation not only made the process of the event more smooth but also helped create a comfortable atmosphere, bringing the best experience to the event participants.

NGUOC would also like to express our deep gratitude to all the event EDM & Staff as well as NGUOC NGAU for their efforts and unanimous support in the preparation and organization of the event. Although the event was deployed very quickly with great pressure, they were not afraid of difficulties and wholeheartedly cooperated in organizing the event to the fullest.

And above all, NGUOC is extremely grateful and respectful to receive a warm welcome from a large number of enthusiastic students from all over the country. Your large participation is a great motivation for NGUOC to continue implementing new activities in the future.

Finally, let's take a look back at the valuable moments in the last Webinar, to once again immerse yourself in this inspirational event.

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Accompanying YSEALI-wannabes

In order to accompany young Vietnamese leaders on the journey to apply for this program, NGUOC is pleased to inform the young people about the event NGUOCUpward: Path to YSEALI which will take place online on 10.10.2022. Through the sharing session, NGUOC would like to provide you with specific direction and valuable experiences from the speakers on the application process for this scholarship.

The event is an open sharing space mainly on the 3 following topics


Experience from typical YSEALI Alumni in the process of preparing resumes, essays, interviews and learning experiences at the program.



Answer questions from participants



Speaker feeback directly a few profiles (selected at random by the speakers)

All profiles will be commented on after 3 days.
Besides, the event also had the presence of speakers who are typical YSEALI Alumni brothers and sisters in important topics of YSEALI: Positive spirit of citizens, Environment and Natural Resource Management, Start-up Industry, and Economic Development (List of speakers will be revealed by the Organizers 02 days before the event date).



Listen to the sharing from experienced YSEALI Alumni and meet and exchange with other talented young leaders.


Opportunity to receive in-depth feedback from the elite team of YSEALI Alumni speakers.


Individuals who are active in the event may be prioritized for consideration in the 2022 Fall UP Grand Recruitment and National Grand Youthcamp 2022.


Certificate of attendance at the event from NGUOC and partners (if any) when actively participating.


Civic Engagement

The program will provide young leaders with an overview of how citizens have contributed to shaping history, government and American society, both individually and as a group. The program will define active citizenship, examine its development in the United States, and explore topics such as citizenship, community building, economic development, and social activism. grassroots level, political leadership, and volunteerism. Other topics such as citizenship, social justice, entrepreneurship, ethics, leadership, and communication will also be discussed. Young leaders will have the opportunity to meet with community leaders, entrepreneurs, and NGO representatives, as well as develop innovative and practical plans to Connect with your community. The program is held at the University of Nebraska - Omaha and Arizona State University.

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Environmental Issues

It will explore the role of environmental policy in the economic and political development of the United States. Experiential learning will help participants learn about climate change, sustainable development/sustainable agricultural practices, food security, ecotourism, energy production, water governance, and treatment. The fields will be explored from several perspectives: grassroots activism and civic initiatives, impacts on disadvantaged communities, approaches to private organizations, efforts of global multilateral force, policies, and regulations at the federal level. Finally, the program will examine environmental issues in a globalized society, and compare the United States and the participants' host countries. Young leaders will have the opportunity to meet with community leaders and representatives of NGOs. The program will be held at the University of Montana and the East-West Center

Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

It will provide young leaders with an overview of the business approach entrepreneurship have been applied to solve economic and social problems. The program will look back at the growth, history, challenges, and successes of social enterprise in the US and globally. Topics may include but are not limited to, the areas of commerce, investment, financial knowledge and skills, banking, microcredit, organizational development and governance, writing skills funding projects, innovation, emerging markets, and risk analysis, business strategic planning, corporate social responsibility, women, and minorities in business. Young leaders will have the opportunity to meet with community leaders, entrepreneurs, and NGO representatives. The program will take place at the University of Connecticut and the University of Texas-Austin.




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